5 benefits of coworking spaces

Bad company Est.2017

Our coworking spaces are curated to nourish productivity, collaboration and community while you get down to business, on your terms. Five years in the making Bad Company now has thriving spaces in Mount Maunganui and Wanaka with more on the horizon throughout NZ. If you didn’t already know - here is why coworking spaces are the absolute bees knees.


The sense of community that comes from a thriving coworking space is hard to beat. As an individual, working from home can become isolating, and having a community of like minded people can boost your moral personally and professionally. Whether it’s grabbing a morning coffee, lunch dates or Friday afternoon drinks, there is always a sense of community that keeps spirits high, even if its having a couple mates sitting next to you.

For small teams coworking spaces add a unique sense of diversity - being surrounded by humans from all different industries and walks of life helps you get out of your own businesses bubble and the rewards are endless. Our workspaces are curated to be your place, my place, our place - a community.


For many, it is far easier to engage in conversations and exchange creative ideas in coworking spaces — rather than in traditional office buildings. When you work around other like-minded professionals, some of those who have very unique skills and talents, you are able to tap into their knowledge whenever you get stuck. And because you have enough people to consult within the coworking space, you will rarely need to step out of the office to get professional advice, empowerment, or inspiration.

Coworking also means brainstorming and learning new things every day from your differently skilled coworkers, creativity bursts at the seams and a second opinion is always a desk away. In the long run, you become knowledgeable about things you never would have expected. Our spaces are filled with all sorts like graphic designers, web developers, lawyers, accountants, digital marketers, event organisers, brand strategists and the list goes on!


Shocker we know, but being in a coworking space surrounded by multiple different individuals actually encourages us to be more productive. Our members are people who greatly value friendships and close workplace relationships. All those positive reactions put together make co-working the key to employee happiness, which consequently boosts productivity (there is also no washing calling you to be hung out or messy benches at home that are tempting to clean rather than finish your email - ya feel?)

Overseas Studies show that between 75% and 90% of coworkers love the personal connections that coworking makes possible, they feel more engaged and motivated to work and feel less lonely. Who would have thought that being surrounded by people would boost productivity? Well…we did, hey now you know!


A place you know you can count on, having a designated spot where you can seperate home life from work life and implement structure is key factor to overall job satisfaction and success. Whether you are 3 days per week or a full time desk member, having a space that makes you get out of bed (and your PJ’s) each or every other day is structure that will benefit you more than you know.

Having set working hours helps with time management and planning, and dedicating your day without the distractions of home life can change your life! Don’t get us wrong - sometimes we leave at 2pm on a Friday, take 2 hour lunches or start late after a surf, the important thing is having a rhythm and work / life balance which coworking always comes through with.


No locked in leases, overheads or admin. Whether you are a solo freelancer or a small team - having the flexibility and financial freedom is the way of the future. You can come and go as you please and know you can always count on the amenities, space and vibe to be in order.

Financially it’s an absolute game changer, not having to be signed up to long leases as a start up or small teamed business means you can focus your time and money on other things. All our workspaces also have Websters tea, coffee, Vogels, spreads and chocolate on tap - if you needed more of a sign on why coworking in our spaces rocks. 

Need we say more?

Check out our locations in the Mount, Wānaka and Hawke’s Bay. There is a plan to suit everyone from daily hot desks to full time dedicated desks. Come join the Bad Company community!


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